
Will Target as a first SWE job out of school limit my opportunities for growth?

I have a few more lucrative offers, none of which are FAANG, but that would require me to move. Target is headquartered in my hometown of Minneapolis, and also offers WFH. $90-$95K TC (still negotiating). Since I don't have FAANG, I kind of think it's better to take the comfy Fortune 500 job at home, and then learn on the job & interview prep until the opportunity to bounce to FAANG arises. The jobs that I would have to move for are not jobs I could possibly envision myself staying in for more than a year, two at the most. Target obviously is not the most dicussed company here, for obvious reasons. However, they definitely hire a lot of tech people as far as Minneapolis is concerned. If you could give me some perspective on Target's general SWE reputation, and how taking a first job out of school there will impact my ability to move on to bigger and better later on, I'd really appreciate it. #target #newgrad #newgradsalary

Rocket Mortgage eTFx63 Jan 15, 2022

That's honestly not a bad wage for a first job, and no matter what you're hearing you can jump to FAANG later in your career if that's your ultimate goal.

Robinhood oiuhbsnk Jan 15, 2022

It is OK. No stress

State Farm devsec0ps Jan 15, 2022

Nah. I work for State Farm and get hit up by recruiters from FAANG and even more “prestigious” companies all the time based on my work exp and resume.

Amazon Mnsa08 Jan 15, 2022

Not going to hold you back