Wise/Transferwise 1st pair programming interview.

I was recently laid off from my job at Shopify and have received a few interview requests, one of which is from Wise (formerly Transferwise). I have a one-hour pair programming interview scheduled with them, and I'm seeking some insights into what to expect. Wise's website indicates that the interview will involve Leetcode-style questions, as shown in the image below. However, I've come across some experiences on Glassdoor that suggest it might also have Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) components. I'm reaching out to see if anyone has recently gone through Wise's interview process and can provide some information on what to expect. Additionally, any tips or advice on how to perform well in their interview would be greatly appreciated, as I'm on a Tier 2 visa and have limited time to secure a new job. #engineering #software #swe #wise #transferwise #pairprogramming

3°7¢@π Aug 21, 2023

I had a chance to interview with Wise a few months back. The programming problem was basically an easy/medium (leaning on the easy side) from HackerRank. They would ask follow-up questions and alternate the question a bit to see how you would adapt your solution.

ex-Shopify JustLaidof OP Aug 21, 2023

So, its a simple algorithmic problem, But I should focus on structure it pretty well if I am not wrong. Please correct me if I am wrong.

3°7¢@π Aug 21, 2023

You don't have to start with a perfect structure. Focus on solving the problem first. Once done, it will be more of a discussion on how it could be better or what would you change to make it support additional requirements. No need to over engineer from the start. Hope this helps! Good luck!

Morgan Stanley arkhamdom Aug 21, 2023

Did Shopify have layoffs again? Or were you impacted by the one in May?

ex-Shopify JustLaidof OP Aug 21, 2023

I was on parental leave, came back and kicked out.

Shadowfax SSOf46 Aug 26, 2023

What do they ask in system design 90 minutes round?

ex-Shopify JusLaidof Aug 26, 2023

It was standard stuff nothing specific. They expected a high level design and didn’t really drill in any specific bottleneck/components.

Shadowfax SSOf46 Aug 31, 2023

Hi, Would you mind sharing what to expect in the interview with the Product manager?

Google OKRs Sep 1, 2023

Hi Op, any updates on your interview? How did it go?

ex-Shopify JusLaidof Sep 2, 2023

It went well, it was a simple OOPS problem and I coded neatly and explained my thought process well. I got response that my experience and skillset is not aligning with what they want and not moving forward.

Google OKRs Sep 2, 2023

Same with me. It was a currency converter

YgMQ07 Sep 11, 2023

Has anyone gone through the final stage of interview with team lead and manager? Is it technical or cultural fit round?

Delivery Hero lftc 4d

Can you please share what was question asked in pair programming round?