PoliticsAug 20, 2019

Women’s empowerment in N. America & Europe is a BS cause!

With women in these regions of the world being the most privileged in the whole world, why does western society continue to keep pandering to them? Why don’t they get together and send delegations to spread their gospel to their sisters in societies where women are treated as, at best, second class citizens?

Credit Karma EllisDee25 Aug 20, 2019

Which women? CEOs or Walmart workers? Hilary Clinton or a woman breaking her back cleaning hotel rooms? How’s a single mom working a cash register or something supposed to travel outside the country let alone create a delegation? (Also, seriously, this is what you wake up thinking about? Alarm goes off, you take a shower and think: “damn women. They need to do things like I think they should or shut up about things!”)

Oracle LAoh31 Aug 20, 2019

The feminism movement isn't comprised of single mom's working cash registers. The attention grabbing feminism coverage is always about ambitious semi successful white women trying to make it up the ladder faster by joining this "cause". None of them ever are interested in feminism enough to help women around the world where there is actually a need for it. They generally use it to make a name for themselves to advance themselves. İts not a selfless act.

Credit Karma EllisDee25 Aug 20, 2019

Oh, so you are not talking about women in North America or Europe then. You mean the handful of celebrities and CEOs who get media attention because the media generally treats low income people as invisible or props. It’s almost like working class women are invisible or something and need some kind of movement in order for the media and politicians to pay attention to their concerns or demands.🤔

Elastic ponycanyon Aug 20, 2019

There’s the Malala Fund, The Orchid Project, and Women For Women to name just a few. There are also people who wake up everyday and are aware of and support movements to empower women in developing countries as well as developed countries, unlike you, apparently.

Google bbAv11 Aug 20, 2019

I realize this is troll baiting but first #nowhitesaviors. So women in the US can’t magically go to South America and “save” other women from the patriarchy. Also feminism is a global movement and #metoo has success oversees. Equality among the sexes isn’t pandering and there is still a lot to do in western society.

Twitter Oomnj Aug 20, 2019

Dude what are you smoking? Women only make up a small percentage of fang leadership. We still don’t have a woman president, and don’t even get me started about the bias against trans women. Just because other people have it worse doesn’t mean we don’t have problems here. In fact I would challenge you to be culturally sensitive. What you think is bad for women in other cultures may actually be good for them.

Google Uusl71 Aug 20, 2019

I think you lost it on the last sentence, your attempt to avoid looking like a white saviour is not a good excuse for tolerating sexism in other places in the world because it's part of their "culture". Culture can and should change even in repressive nations as it has in the western world to allow for equality.

Wayfair sookdis Aug 20, 2019

Trams women aren’t women

Spotify qbeforeu Aug 20, 2019

Well, why don’t you send a delegation to other corners of the globe to help women? Someone should take the lead and you seem to have all the answers!

Jet hROD00 Aug 20, 2019

In quite a lot of ways women have it better than men in the western world, so I kind of agree.

Uber itsdara Aug 20, 2019

They're already doing it on Instagram. Hence the term influencer. Not sure if it helps oppressed women though.

Amazon broke&dumb Aug 20, 2019


Amazon broke&dumb Aug 20, 2019

Being feminist in Muslim countries is rejecting the very core of their religion. And that's Islamophobic. Are you basically asking us to become Islamophobic? We ain't gonna do that.

Twitter Oomnj Aug 20, 2019

Yup cultures are relative and we should be sensitive to them.

Expedia Group aaaaaaab Aug 20, 2019

Being gay is a punishable crime in many Muslim majority countries. And even punishable by death in over 10 countries. According to liberals, the homophobia is part of their culture. So we should be sensitive about it. If you criticize any aspect of their culture then you are being Islamophobic. Same when it comes to women's rights and the rights of non-Muslims in Muslim majority countries. We now have homophobia, hatred for Jews and other forms of bigotry spreading even in Europe. Liberals are the ones making it possible.