Work culture

What makes top companies stand out from a cultural or habitual point of view ? For example one generally hears a lot of good things about Google but I am wondering what exactly is followed inside for that to be the case. I am looking to understand what are some of the positive practices, quirks and habits and very negative practises in top companies like Google, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon, Apple etc. This could in terms of having a learning culture, customer obsession, good reviewing, great interviewing, team bonding, great work life balance, amazing perks, etc. It also doesn't need to hold true for an entire company maybe just an org. I am trying to understand how working at a hypothetical perfect company would look and feel like.

Facebook goiy Aug 3, 2018

Facebook: > Lots of $$$ paid for your loyalty despite it being dirty. > Customer data obsession. > No WLB: remember you are paid lots of $$$ > Zero Team Bonding: we all are in for the money. We need to move fast, show impact and break things and quickly switch Team for more impact and leave the technical debt to fellow co-workers. Overall I love it here.

LinkedIn HelloWorId Aug 3, 2018

“break things and quickly switch Team for more impact and leave the technical debt to fellow co-workers” I can’t stress enough how much I hate this. People who do this grow faster than others and they don’t get penalized.

Facebook goiy Aug 3, 2018

Hate the play not the player. I have been successfully doing it and getting promoted. Read 48 laws of power.

fjTN53 Aug 3, 2018

Strong culture, doesn't matter if it's good or bad. The worst thing is a company that doesn't know what it wants to be and wants to be everything to everyone.