Tech IndustryOct 2, 2018

Would you hire an agent

I swear to god I am so sick of talking to recruiters, hiring managers, negotiating, emailing, organizing a LC schedule, and all the other bullshit. If software engineers have a higher likelihood of making big money compared to baseball players, why can’t we have agents like ballplayers to handle the crap that keeps us from focusing on our skills? Would you hire an agent for a couple thousand per job switch?

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Aurora bystander! Oct 2, 2018

Now we talkin...

Oscar tc / gtfo Oct 2, 2018

If only I get a job at Google without interviews. Wait is that called bribe?

Oath Atinlay Oct 2, 2018

Boo hoo! You want high TC, you’re going to have to talk to people. You’re why this is a thing: Check out this post! "No Clapping! (Misc.)"

Microsoft Wfxdx3664w OP Oct 2, 2018

Or pay people to talk to people. Big Leagues. Also, I’m over 10 years out of college. Guess how many times I’ve had the exact same conversation with a recruiter?

Oath Atinlay Oct 2, 2018

To give up a cut of your TC? Sure. There are job placement services

ADP Runner131 Oct 2, 2018

TA is ruined by archaic processes and bandaged systems. Companies oftentimes hire the cheapest instead of seeing them as an asset to culture. Systems have gates that make recruitment professionals do redundant things. People oftentimes don't want to give up their comp details and recruiters know that people only hear the top number of the range. I wish I could say my company was forward thinking and doing something about it. But it's not.

Microsoft alic Oct 2, 2018

You have a brilliant start up idea on your hands. You should go ahead with it OP !

AMD 5nm Oct 2, 2018

There was a Planet Money episode just about this exact topic!