Why the Dropbox hate?

Whenever I see someone ask for a Dropbox referral, I see employees of the company telling people not to apply. What’s the reason for this? Also, does that apply to Dropbox internships (even if I’m not looking for a return offer)? #dropbox #swe #internships #product #pm #product management

Amazon soonmeta Feb 13

They have it so good they don't want anyone finding out

Microsoft XDdD47 OP Feb 13

Haha! Are they actually gatekeeping?

Dropbox unitedkiwi Feb 13

Lol please come find out what’s it’s like for yourself. People with +400K TC leaving in less than a year. If that’s not a red flag idk what is.

Dropbox pandamAI Feb 13

That does sound like gatekeeping honestly

ex-Dropbox EbPD76 Feb 13

Dropbox was once a nice place to work but in the last 2-3 years it's become a nightmare for many of us. We don't want you to get fooled by the history of the place or the inflated Glassdoor reviews. One of my coworkers even said that he preferred working for Amazon. Anyway yeah it's fine for internships, hell even for IC1 it's not bad.

Dropbox Annie🍷 Feb 13

“It’s gotten worse the last 2-3 years” I’ve seen statement made so many times since I joined in 2017 that it would make your head spin. It’s gotten so much worse in the same degree that everything, everywhere, has gotten worse in the last 3 years. There are far, far worse places to be.

Dropbox Pg4UY3q5 Feb 13

It has gotten worse, but I think I'd still rather be here than most other tech

Dropbox droppi Feb 13

I’m honestly pretty content here. Good compensation/benefits despite the cuts here and there plus smart and supportive coworkers are more than I can ask for in this economy 🤠 I do feel affected by the constant fear of layoffs on Blind but I think that might be every company?

Dropbox unitedkiwi Feb 13

Bootlicker detected. These are the words of someone who’s treated like a human, which is only reserved for the favorites

Dropbox droppi Feb 13

haha maybe. or maybe I lucked out in the last reorg and got placed in a supportive team