Tech IndustryJun 23, 2019

Your peak is coming earlier than you think

Long read, but I found it very interesting. TL;DR: You'll most likely peak around 50, then performance will just decline. Be aware that this is a thing. Don't get caught off guard. Don't try to fruitlessly extend your peak. Be flexible, and have a plan to adapt. For example, teaching (coaching/mentoring) is a skill that peaks much, MUCH later in life. My exit plan is to just retire, or perhaps become a full time mentor or coach or something like that if I want to keep working. I have about 20 years to think about it, but I'm glad I read this now, with lots of time to think about an exit plan.

Your Professional Decline Is Coming (Much) Sooner Than You Think
Your Professional Decline Is Coming (Much) Sooner Than You Think
The Atlantic
Uber Xidl Jun 23, 2019

Fuck that I’m retiring before I’m 40

Amazon cayde OP Jun 23, 2019

That's the dream!! I'm a bit late in the game. Didn't become an engineer until I was 25, and didn't become a *software* engineer until a few years after that. But I think I can still retire at 50. Earlier if I hit beyond 300k in my career, which I am expecting, but not relying on in my planning.

Facebook ExPo20 Jun 23, 2019

Super interesting! Thanks for sharing!

Amazon cayde OP Jun 23, 2019

For sure!! Hope it makes other people think about this like it did me.

Amazon lpstrong Jun 23, 2019

Interesting. So we peak in early 20’s?

Microsoft mfCG87 Jun 23, 2019

Phew, I thought you were gonna say some shit like 30

Amazon cayde OP Jun 23, 2019

Haha, that'd be super bad news. 50 isn't that bad, but I could see myself falling into a similar situation where I become significantly unhappy because I had tied happiness to professional advancement for 25 years.

EcVa56 Jun 23, 2019

50 seems a good retirement target.

Amazon cayde OP Jun 23, 2019

Agreed. That's what I have been targeting since I started thinking about it last year.

EcVa56 Jun 23, 2019

I also think it’s important to nurture relationship with the loved ones. Anecdotally, I knew a few of execs who spent their lives nurturing their career but didn’t put similar efforts to their family. They typically had tough time adjusting and were so lonely/unhappy even when they were financially well off.

Zillow Group int lmao() Jun 23, 2019

Thanks 🙏

Amazon cayde OP Jun 23, 2019

For sure!

Microsoft UMbR31 Jun 23, 2019

Your friendly neighborhood Sunday morning self awareness post

Google 🦑dive deep Jun 23, 2019

Pretty sure my performance peaked in high school

Microsoft ?)6;./68,/ Jun 23, 2019

Any article about male sexual performance - when is it at peak?

Dropbox dbx 📦 Jun 23, 2019


Intel scroll Jun 23, 2019

Thought provoking! Will probably affect my life decisions in the future. Thanks for sharing!

Amazon cayde OP Jun 23, 2019

Glad you found it useful!

E*Trade cbEV72 Jun 23, 2019

Your peak should come waaaaay earlier than 50.

Amazon cayde OP Jun 23, 2019

All the better reason to be ready!

E*Trade cbEV72 Jun 23, 2019

Ready for what though? You retire then what? You think coaching will help you entertained for next 30 years after retirement? You can’t get yourself ready I’m afraid. If you start preparing for retirement now it will put your mind in a state that will not let you enjoy life now. Then things may happen, illnesses , accidents, family etc. forget about what happens in 20 years, it’s too far