Datadog Frontend Onsite Interview

Hi, I have a Frontend engineer onsite interview coming up with Datadog. 5 interviews in all (Coding, React, System Design, Leadership, and Experience interviews). Has anyone been through the process recently? Could you please share your experience? What would be a good source to prepare for the coding and system design round? Any insights would be super helpful, thanks! YOE: 8 TC: 0 (part of recent layoffs). #interview #datadog #datadog-onsite # datadog-interviews #datadog-frontend

Amazon IVY55 Feb 26

System design do the books by Alex Xu, and Grokking System Design from Educative. Btw just curious do you let recruiters know you are laid off or say you are passively looking? All the best!

Spotify qb17! OP Feb 26

Thanks, did you interview with them? For System design, is the expectation to cover both BE and FE or only FE? Regarding layoffs, I’ve been open and honest with the recruiters so far.

Blackstone LbCy53 Mar 5

Did you do the interviews yet? How did they go?

Brex Lpxo31 Apr 12
