Misc.Jul 24, 2023

Why People say the Bay Area has the Best Weather?

Why people say Bay Area has the best weather? Shouldn’t be it be the best climate? Or more precisely best climate for human? Climate is a long term pattern. On a given day weather can be nicer in the Northeast than the Bay Area. TC 400k

Sanofi THORRRRRRR Jul 24, 2023

a day at a time

Amazon hulogffd Jul 24, 2023

Self consolation for all the other 💩 you get living at the Bay Area

Postman someguy133 Jul 24, 2023


Flex SupraGR Jul 24, 2023

You telling me, that one day in spring is what you gonna move to the Northeast for? Kool let me know how the other 364 days are…

Snowflake VEcRp5 Jul 24, 2023

No, he's telling you "weather" is a single day's experience. "Climate" is a pattern over many days.

Amazon eHOW81 Jul 24, 2023

When they show the heat wave alerts on the news, pay attention to the 2 bits of green on the map. It’s always the Bay Area and San Diego. That said, South Bay is in a different realm than Santa Cruz and SF. It does get pretty hot.

RBC EAFC24 Jul 24, 2023

Yes, you're right

Babylon Health rkc8MwiO Jul 24, 2023

That kind of TC and you’re upset about colloquialisms?

Google chcucuuhb Jul 24, 2023


Financial Services Company 786ali Jul 24, 2023

Nice weather but most of it is built over the San Andreas fault so

Syngene International Wildflwer Jul 24, 2023

It’s a great weather in Bengaluru and Bay Area but what’s the point, all the single people are crying. Many relationships are breaking and ldr kills the soul of love.

Syngene International Wildflwer Jul 24, 2023

And gosh your TC.Uff! Please get me a referral for a job in a secure company like NVIDIA. 🙏🏻 You earn 37 times the actual salary I earn in a year