SC Department of RevenueHackerPro

Datadog System Design Interview

Hi everyone, I applied for a security engineering role at Datadog and will probably be interviewing in 2 weeks. I need to clear the first hurdle, which is a coding interview (for security engineers, so it is more about applicable problem solving rather than doing leetcode style elegant and efficient algorithms) and a system design interview. If I don't clear these two interviews, I won't be let through to the final rounds where they actually quiz me on security knowledge. I have leetcoded in the past and programmed extensively, so that is good foundation for me to prepare for the coding interview. But I have never done any system design interview preparation... and was not expecting such one during this job hunt. I have two weeks and this monday is a federal holiday off from work. How can one prepare ruthlessly and quickly for the system design interview in order to nail it? Thanks in advance #datadog #systemdesign #tech #interviews

Bloomberg oups Jan 12

System design interview book by Alex Xu is a good start

SC Department of Revenue HackerPro OP Jan 12

Let's say I got it immediately, how much time/chapters does it take to crash course that thing and be able to perform?

Robinhood GettinLean Jan 12

Almost every system design question I’ve received is some variation of design an order book, Slack, Dropbox, or Twitter. One exception was a crypto company had some blockchain related problem. I actually did a security engineer interview at Datadog once years ago. It was verifying the integrity of customer configs. It’s an asymmetric cryptography question basically.

SC Department of Revenue HackerPro OP Jan 13

Gotcha and thanks. Can you ping me please in DM? Used up all of mine for the month

Datadog execd Jan 13

It’s the usual design Netflix, Dropbox, web crawler type questions