Tech IndustryJul 25, 2019

any good source for strong PM answers?

hi guys, I'm looking for good answers to Google product management interview questions is there any website with quality answers? i found this good set of questions: Design an app for a community of Celiac's disease patients. Let's say we wanted to implement an Amazon Mayday like feature in Gmail. How would that work? When are Bayesian methods more appropriate than "Artificial Intelligence" techniques for predictive analytics? Take a grocery app - what would be the features you would suggest? If you were Product Manager of (unnamed product), how would you improve the functionality 10x of what it is now. What will be the impact of self-driving cars? How would you improve the in-store shopping experience? Pick a product you like/hate. Why. How would you improve it You have a startup for product category X. Design me a product. You are making a change to improve product X. How would you measure its improvement. The NBA championships are about to happen and you produce merchandise showcasing the winning team--but, you don't know which team that will be. What do you produce and how much do you produce to dress the stadium visitors with merchandise? Choose a city and estimate how many Piano Tuners operate there. Who should Google acquire? Tell us about your 3 favorite unknown android applications. Why? How much storage space do you need to store all the info from Google Maps Google wants to launch a competitor to Amazon's e-reader product. Let's brainstorm some ideas

Agoda execc OP Jul 25, 2019

I found this: 80 USD ๐Ÿค” I think a perfect 5 star score and no negative reviews seem a bit fishy ... Did anyone try this? This is also interesting so far:

PwxT6c Jul 25, 2019

If you need some advice, try this: