Tech IndustryMay 11, 2022

D+I: Diversion + Intrusion

What is happening in most D+I programs? Diversion: instead of OKRs focuses on clarity of business results, technical excellence, or employee compensation, companies distract executives and employees away with OKRs focused on hiring and keeping underrepresented minorities happy. Intrusion: now you are under a microscope. Is your tone a micro aggression? Didn’t you promote someone because of her/his/their gender? Wait: you used the wrong pronoun to talk to someone? Hours of training now, so you have to do that code review after hours. Is it happening in you company?

31 Participants
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Yahoo jtOQ60 May 11, 2022

What is happening with your TC?

Amazon asdfasdfg May 11, 2022

Started low, getting lower of course