Tech IndustryJun 7, 2016

blind privacy

Has any security expert look at the traffic of blind to see whether it can be eavesdropped? How is the anonymous feature blind claims?

Microsoft S Nutella Jun 7, 2016

lolol dear peanut butter lovers! You mean to say that you didn't sign up with your coworker's email address while he left to get coffee in the kitchen? lolol

Microsoft Will Gates Jun 7, 2016

They will probably be hacked eventually and we will all be embarrassed. Like LinkedIn and so many others.

Amazon Choc*fish Jun 7, 2016

Yes we are all so important and have discussed such earth shattering secrets like dudes who can't get dates or erections. I bet I can point them out in the halls without blind leaks.

Google Omsa Jun 7, 2016

This was an earlier discussion that I found helpful. Check out this post in BLIND's Tech. "Blind email enc…"

Google Omsa Jun 7, 2016

Scroll to the bottom to see screens shots.

Google OlGn54 Jun 9, 2016

part of me hopes I will get discovered. the things I complain about here are actually real problems that I want the company to solve. but the environment there is so incredibly bizarrely weird I wouldn't even have the first idea of how to actually accomplish any of that change. I don't even know how to say these things to my co-workers, they just look at me like I'm an alien. but other people on Blind seem to sympathize so at least here I know I'm not crazy. I'm not sure what piece of information I'm missing.