
can i soft retire in low COL at 1m at 25-27 years old

im tired of the rat race. thinking of moving to super low COL in asia on work visa with low pay job, <20 hrs a week of work. <70k USD a year. so i can enjoy the rest of my 20s and 30s. maybe come back to bay area when im 40 and bored. i sold all my shares last year so i am all cash basically. 800k cash 200k 401k. my parents will buy me a house. living expenses will be around 12k usd a year. also there is inheritance i will get someday. so even with doing nothing with my cash 1m/12k = 83.3 years. so even with my current cash alone i should be good to go i think tc 370

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ex-Wayfair brupupup Mar 28

12k a year but wait I flation! Buy 30 year t bills lock in the current rate and you will be chilling One thing to consider is you will be locked into that lifestyle but thing is you can always go back to work

LinkedIn mr. leader Mar 29

SCHD is a better option IMO since you will get capital appreciation and dividend increases that will beat inflation over time.

Google shelved Mar 28

Tired at 27? Wth

Gannett callmeroy Mar 28

I was also lazy at 27 I just didn't have a mil in the bank

Apple notlazy OP Mar 28

worked since 21... uhm Mar 28

70k USD a year is a LOT in Asia even at 80+ hrs a week. Need to reset earning expectations. 12K USD might be doable assuming things are very optimistic.

Apple notlazy OP Mar 28

in tokyo it isn't

Amazon gtAe06 Mar 29

Tokyo is expensive

Microsoft ligbelh Mar 28

Assuming you meant you'd like to still be in tech but move to Asia, have you talked to anyone in an Asia tech scene? I imagine if you want a work visa, you can't just get any low pay job. Depending on the company/industry and country, rat race can be worse than silicon valley.

PayPal K3h9Fb1 Mar 28

yea, u can live for ultra cheap in a lot of nice places - like $800 per month for all costs also theyre not horrible to live at, but they are very boring socially

Apple notlazy OP Mar 28

tokyo isn't boring to me

PayPal K3h9Fb1 Mar 28

o i thought u meant US

funmom22 Mar 28

One life - live it your way. Dont follow the crowd. They are also blind.

LinkedIn mr. leader Mar 29

Put your 800k in SCHD and earn ~30k/yr passively in dividends. Don't spend the principle.