Aviation IndustryNov 25, 2022

Edu benefits at Northrop Grumman?

Looking at a career change as an engineering tech, wondering what education benefits look like at Northrop. Any insights?

Northrop Grumman POdk86 Nov 26, 2022

10k a year I believe, must stay two years after your last course for it to be considered paid off

Northrop Grumman solomonsay Nov 26, 2022

It's a 2 year sliding window from your last course that you have to pay back. Also you pay taxes on the courses. It used to be unlimited, however I don't know how long this program will be around for, our CEO basically said that they don't want it because we get a higher degree and bounce for more money lol 😂

Northrop Grumman inTI23 Nov 26, 2022

10k a year is right. Although certain programs at certain schools can qualify for more

Raytheon tnJi Dec 19, 2022

It used to be great. I left when they dropped it to 10k, thats 2 classes at hopkins and they tax you on everything above $5250 (which they legally don't have to do if they report it correctly). Raytheon upped theirs last year to $25K, and Boeing and Lockheed both advertise values above $10K.