Feedback on Meta AI Infra team

In the team matching phase for MRS AI Infra team at SG. I don't have much experience in AI Infra specifically on improving hardware efficiency but Manager seems ok with it. Role (E6) would be part modeling improvement and part hardware/GPU efficiency. Interested in SG due to proximity to family in India. How's growth and WLB in Meta SG? Another factor to consider is the stock is at ATH. Blind tax: TC: 2.1 Cr INR

Meta GtYhtg Apr 15

Be aware, Meta SG is a PIP factory.

Google xVXj84 OP Apr 17

Isn't the meta SG office quite small? Surprised to hear this.

ByteDance aCUI55 Apr 18

what’s the percentage of pip?

Coinbase avaxB Apr 15

Don't you already make that much in Google?

Google xVXj84 OP Apr 17

SG has a much lower tax rate. I did the math on income and expenses, and you end up saving more in SG.

Coinbase avaxB Apr 17

Only if you're single. If you have a family, you won't save that much more as flats are way more expensive and so is food and entertainment. At best you end up saving 5-15L more with a similar salary. And honestly if you're moving at a similar salary to SG, you're getting down levelled. You should get at least 30% more in SG as compared to Indian salary. But if you're happy with it, go for it!

Databricks 44331 Apr 16

Why leaving google

Google dororo 5d

What's the offer? Usually E6 should be more than your current TC but if it isn't, Singapore is going to be more expensive with family with kids. For example, a not so big rental in a decent location with 3 bedrooms would cost close to 5k sgd, international schools (which is the only option for foreigners) can be easily well north of 2k sgd.