
Woven by Toyota Tokyo

Will have an interview tomorrow. Seems like they like my background. What’s like working there? A lot to learn?

Snap latxhfnsi Apr 24

Don't expect more than 100k USD. They rejected me because I made too much $$

Unity uMrn58 OP Apr 24

Oh…😅even for a senior level?

Woven by Toyota watisArene Apr 25

Don’t do it. Waste of your life and you will become a worse engineer than before

Hugging Face kCkt51 Apr 25

to be fair they seem to be one of the only top paying company still recruiting in Tokyo. Where else would you go? Google, Nvidia, Amazon don't seem to have had open positions in recent months (apart from 5/10+ YOE positions), and Indeed sadly stopped recruiting with juicy pay.

TikTok skspele Apr 26

No more indeed? RIP

Woven by Toyota workatwp 7d

You’ll regret your decision sometime in the future

Mercari awwef 7d

Please elaborate