
Career change questions: Guidance on specific job titles, etc

Background I am currently serving tables at a restaurant and I have decided I cannot wait any longer to get back into the professional world and make use of my talents and skills. It has been since about ten years since I any sort of heavily involved tech related business, although I have kept up on quite a few things, and expanded my marketing knowledge. I have a B.A. From University of Miami in Entrepreneurship and have be designing, developing and marketing websites since age 14.. I have a tremendous amount of experience doing digital marketing (as well as web design /development. My last major tech business was starting a cyber security business selling Ipv4 addresses in 2010 , where I flew out to Texas and partnered with a highly skilled group of programmers, and a Texas business man and created the foundation unique technology for changing IPv4 addresses. It ended with me getting a contract with Time Warner Telecom but also falling extremely ill out of nowhere, which nearly ended my life and caused me to need and major transplant, and stopped me from signing the contract. I am still to this day in pain frequently but have recently got a hold of my pain a lot more and I am now ready to get back to what I enjoy. My skills and strongest abilities I have been building websites since I was 14 years old. Using Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Illustrator etc. Once I made it to college I taught myself a lot about digital marketing, landing page design, design concepts, etc. I ended up doing affiliate marketing and doing very well for awhile doing this by automating the marketing process with scripts and software. I went to college for Entrepreneurship and marketing, and was taught well on how to start a business. I worked at the Miami-Dade county health dept in college helping to manage their database. I got a remote job immediately out of college in Manhattan, NY at an ad agency doing web graphic design for their different marketing efforts. I am highly skilled at research, market segmentation, and creating original, creative and very effective ideas for many different type of scenarios, from marketing to product ideas. This is thanks to my intuition and understanding of the big picture of things. I ended up very sick and in a lot of pain as I mentioned, specifically Chronic pancreatitis, and I am only now, half way through 2023, even close to the point I was back in 2009 before going to Texas (health wise). I have worked in restaurants as a server for several years, and it is extremely unsatisfying, stressful, and not profitable and I am ready to use my abilities rather then waste any more of my life at a restaurant. I am currently (slowly) learning python, but not sure if there's a better skills for the type of job I would be best suited for that I could be learning. I am 36 Yr old by the way. The remote job I desire I am seeking a remote job that : - Allows me a flexible schedule - is most likely some sort of marketing position - Allows me to use my intuition, skills, knowledge, and highly innovative / entrepreneurial mind to create ideas and give the company / projects specific direction based on my own research , intuition , etc - Gives me a position where I give guidance to others, consulting or managing projects/ products/ marketing - Menial tasks like the actual design, etc are given to others, allowing me to focus on my strength in original , profitable ideas, systems - Gives me more free time for myself - 100% remote - I am not monitored and allowed breathing room to facilitate my creativity - Is easy for me because it uses my gifts and unique combination of skills - monetizes my highly creative, original, and intuitive ideas, thus giving me a sense of satisfaction - using my brain much more vs using my hands - salary of at least 70k, or $1.5k/ week Questions Since all of my portfolio work is 10-15+ years old, what can I create that would best demonstrate my abilities for the positions that best fit my abilities and job desire (marketing/strategy/innovative profitable ideas, etc)? What job titles most closely align with the skills, talents, strong points and desired role/duty I described? What skill(s) that I have not mentioned I have would be most valuable for me to learn for the type of position I am seeking?

Miro TyR6cz@ Jun 1, 2023

Unfortunately I don’t think there’s a one size fits all answer to what you should create for your portfolio. Also the state of the market is it’s pretty hard to find remote work. If I were you I’d go on places like upwork or try to freelance if remote is that important. Otherwise you might need to go into the office