Tech IndustryFeb 15, 2020

how to maximize technical growth ?

Dear blinder when you are job hunting how you find the company that provides the best career growth form technical side and impact side. let’s assume my goal is to stay on the IC track and become the CTO of google !!! do you look for brand new projects ? company at very high growth phase like pinterest? do you look for a well established company like Linkedin ? do you look for set of mentors smart ppls ? To be more specific am in the Big data/ Data management swimlane. current TC 390. YOE 9.

Arista Networks EuRB80 Feb 15, 2020


Cloudera jvmwiz OP Feb 15, 2020

Updated the post thx. Does that matters?

Google qBLH80 Feb 15, 2020

Growth beyond a certain level wil be hard as an IC. Don't look for the job that can take you all the way to CTO (or whatever your end result is), this will be either slow or risky (e.g. startup). Look 1-2 steps in the future, for example, from an IC to TL of a small team. Once you achieve that milestone, look for new role (could be within the same company if possible) with bigger growth.