Tech IndustryJul 29, 2019

low creativity: google PM interview

hi guys I interviewed as PM in google few years ago and I was rejected mainly because of creativity (lack of). Apparently my ideas were not enough "out of the box". now I'm interviewing again and I was wondering if anyone had some advice on how to prepare especially for creativity. thanks!

Google Οδύσσεια Jul 29, 2019

Collecting rainwater and tracing skylines have been scientifically proven to enhance your lateral and critical thinking skills with neuroplasticity of fluid intelligence.

Accenture bindok Jul 29, 2019

How many buckets of rainwater have you collected to get into google?

Agoda execc OP Jul 29, 2019

Thank you I will eagerly wait for the next rain season 😉

SAP audaid Jul 29, 2019

What school did u go to ?

Google AdsSwe Jul 29, 2019

Read science fiction, then relate those ideas to your interview questions. Start with Jules Verne. (How to update servers on the moon? Shoot drones with updates from a giant cannon etc)

Agoda execc OP Jul 29, 2019


Charter dwayneWayn Jul 29, 2019

Play. Create shit. It doesn't have to be good but the shit has to be created. Dont judge the shit you create. Keep practicing and you will be able to turn your creativity on easier.

VMware FCsS71 Jul 29, 2019

Join product academy.