
Meta AI

Is the meta AI assistant on whatsapp secure and private? Is there any privacy setting to take care of? Thanks. #tech

Target dhkloiffc OP Mar 4

How should we use it to ensure privacy?

Microsoft luycbdg Mar 4

And use what instead?

Dell JuicyLongP Mar 4

We’ve truly entered the upside down world. Imagine thinking you need an assistant for an app that you chat in. Do you really need an AI assistant to type text with a person? Or do you really need to talk to some LLM about a topic in the WhatsApp? What am I missing here?

Meta कालीन_भैया Mar 4

They don’t look at any of your chats. It’s quite private. The team at WA is pretty crazy about privacy

Albertsons 5miltc Mar 4

Yes, it’s TLS but v1.2 , but Zuck has an approved exception to run TLS v1.2 until they patch it in their next patching cycle ..

Meta tqsN20 Mar 4

There's a screen displayed to you on first interaction, a system message on a first message from Meta AI and also a white paper section on the website. Those 3 tell you pretty much everything you need to know about privacy of Meta AI inside WhatsApp