WLB at Oliver Wyman?

Hey what is everyone’s thoughts on work life balance at Oliver Wyman and general thoughts on OW? #consulting #oliverwyman

McKinsey changa Apr 28, 2021

Guess is that it's as bad as other consulting firms from what I've heard - not good wlb

Samsung SHA-4096 Apr 29, 2021

Surprised they are still around!

Oliver Wyman FupK78 Apr 29, 2021

In terms of business they are still doing quite well - many more projects / demand for consultants than there is supply. But you can imagine what this means for the existing consultants

Oliver Wyman FupK78 Apr 29, 2021

If I could do it again, I would not have come to OW.

Cornerstone Research tk55438z OP Apr 29, 2021

Why do you say that? And what would you have done instead? Thank you so much for the insight!

Oliver Wyman FupK78 Apr 30, 2021

Hm, let me backtrack a little, my answer was definitely hasty. I think a better way to put it is that I personally would’ve rethought management consulting as a career path and had the information to do so. I think for some personalities it is a great job but for a majority it is a really grueling and unhappy path. Most of my colleagues are overworked, existential, and trying to leave (but you can imagine how hard it is to leave when you are working 16 hour days...). That all being said, if you are sure MC is the path for you, perhaps some more Oliver Wyman-esque issues are that the EM-level is paid much lower than industry; staffing is a huge painpoint & people are routinely screwed over if you don’t have the right connections; culture can feel very kiss-ass because one manager’s bad review has the ability to completely upend your progress, which fosters a lot of bad managers...amongst others. Feel free to message me if you’d like to chat more.