What to do w stocks that have not gone down?

As a rookie investor, I invested in some individual stocks. Some have suffered while a handful have been ok. I think I’d like to get out of individual #finance stocks to try to play it safer. Should I sell the ones that have stayed ahead and invest in index or other that is safer while it’s low? Or stay put? The ones in mind are AAL, AAPL, ALK, MAR, TTWO, PFE, TESLA My plan is to hold the shitty ones in hopes that they recover but they’re now too cheap to sell to make a difference TC: 482

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StackPath Lurking4u Jun 9, 2022

This isn’t the place to seek investment advice.

Amazon daredremdo Jun 9, 2022


TuSimple TuTired Jun 10, 2022

Ya, go to wallstreetbets and let us know how the weekly $900 calls you will end up buying, ultimately perform. 🚀🚀🚀