
Azure C+E (CGI)

I am considering joining Azure Commerce and Experience org (Cloud Growth Insights) Can Microsoft peeps help with sharing insights about the team, WLB, oncall? Is it a good team? I’d rather avoid 24/7 oncall. Please help!#engineering #software #swe TC: $250k Offered TC: $275K L62 YOE: 3

Elsevier WvTI37 Jun 22, 2022

You are switching for 25K hike ?

Microsoft 🍌➡️🥜 Jun 22, 2022

I switched for a 0k bump. Just wanted to leave Amazon and like OP, avoid terrible oncall and WLB. Not always about money.

Elsevier WvTI37 Jun 22, 2022

Makes sense now 👍

Roku bgy Jun 22, 2022

Can you share your offer breakdown?

Microsoft CanUHearMi Aug 27, 2022

24x7 on-call in here almost every where except in office, DevDiv , windows and Datasciences. Expect azure to be as worse as Amazon