Tech IndustryJan 11, 2020

switching from Java to microsoft?

hi guys, for someone that has been using java 99% of the time, what is it like joining microsoft? do they use java? C or C++ seems like would take a long time to get used to, with many years of Java experience.

VMware tyxS31 Jan 11, 2020

Most of Microsoft products use C#, it’s just a nicer version of Java, you’ll feel right at home

Google 6Feet6Inch Jan 11, 2020

Lol, this is what I hate about “Java developers”, any new language or tech stack and they are wayyyy out of their comfort zone! Chill, C# is just a nicer version of Java.

Microsoft yWqK01 Jan 11, 2020

Plenty of work in any language here. Language shouldn't matter though while working. Learn the language as you work.

PayPal maybeam Jan 11, 2020

Stop thinking about it and you will be fine. BTW, am in the same boat, not completely because I have been doing python in like last 1 year

KuqP64 Jan 11, 2020

Cpp is so similar to java. I agree that the STL and building tools are completely different tho.

Ironclad ⌐(ಠ۾ಠ)¬ Jan 11, 2020

A true SWE can pick up any programming language and do their job. Clearly you are not a good engineer. You should just stay in your Java world.