HousingJul 28, 2017

Any feedback on the work environment at Apttus?

Looking to land a job in management in the Bay Area and the first company I am talking to is Apttus. Anyone have feedback on the company or process?

GE bn09 Jul 28, 2017

Not sure about working for them but their product nickname in CPQ space is craptus

Dimension Data zxv327 OP Jul 28, 2017

Oh, that sucks....

Thumbtack sxAJ07 Jul 28, 2017

Avoid! Their recruiting was outsourced and literally anyone who was fairly competent was hired with a low bar. Their main competitor Steel brick was acquired by Salesforce (who backed them as well oddly enough) leaving them to pivot towards azure.

GE bgm86 Jul 29, 2017

That's a good point....I think SFDC is pushing them out of the ecosystem since it conflicts with their SFDC native product Steelbrick. I would avoid this company. One of my old co-workers was hired by Apttus for a director position and left under a year there

Apttus QWYr54 Apr 25, 2018

I would absolutely recommend Apttus, to someone I disliked and wished them a painful existence. It’s upsetting whats happening in San Mateo. Do your research.

Dimension Data Yvnm54 Apr 25, 2018

Yes, I ended up interviewing and one of the execs was fairly clueless. I articulated my role at my current company three different times and he just couldn’t grasp what I did. I don’t have some odd role, it is a standard title in all companies. Dodged a bullet.

Apttus T-Bone Aug 18, 2018


Palo Alto Networks tmpisfugit Jul 24, 2019

Do you think things are getting better?

Simplus ilGq52 Aug 27, 2019
