Layoffs in Postman, need referral

I was laid off as a part of org restructuring which affected few teams. I am open to both remote and in office roles. Can someone please help out with a referral? TC: 30LPA YOE: 4 #engineering #software #swe

t0ddl3r Feb 13

How many were let go

PayPal M7mvbZXd Feb 13

There will be more. $14/user/month is insanity. It should be like $1/month max. It’s curl

Amazon tsd3e Feb 13

Does any of you actually use postan other than making POST request 😂

ServiceNow whatnotss Feb 13

DM for ServiceNow referral

Microsoft clYT74 Mar 8

Hey OP, can I dm you? Have some questions regarding postman