Graph questions in codeing interview

Talking Google senior/staff-engineer-level graph coding interview questions. I fear them. I want not to. As far as I understand, there is a theoretical basis to be obtained before jumping into leetcoding. Would want to ask for sources to obtain such practical basis (not straight graph theory books, but something close to what is usable in such questions / info on how to approach these questions). I am willing to invest honest effort into studying for such questions. Best Regards, dude from Yandex. #codinginterview #interview #leetcode #graphtheory #googlestyleinterview

hola1337 May 7, 2021

Skiena algorithm design manual helped me a lot, but im not staff-senior engineer at google. Удачи :)

SoundHound LiPw13 May 7, 2021

May not be useful in your case, but if you have enough time, I would suggest "Introduction to Graph Theory" by Douglas West. It completely changed the way I approached graph problems. P.S. it's an undergrad level book and very easy to follow.

cdgtopnp May 7, 2021

Abdul Bari YouTube

Google sDOh77 May 7, 2021

Honestly, studying graph theory and doing fancy things may win you some small bonus points, but what wins you the most points on these is just doing the simple stuff well. Both in discussing the given problem and how you might solve it as well as going from that understanding to code. You'd be surprised how many people mess up the basics. So if you just nail the basics and need a few hints to solve some complex twist you'll still rack up a lot of points with the interviewer. Good luck!

oLfi84 May 13, 2021

Define basics?

Google sDOh77 May 14, 2021

Graph traversal like BFS and DFS. And just being comfortable recognizing when something is a graph data structure that is not told to you is a graph. That's really it. Just look at leetcode easy and mediums and they are all just at this level.

Broadcom Ltd. ruXj53de May 14, 2021

Straight theory books was the right answer. Why did you rule them out? Or take a course at MSU, just first half of it at least :) or their course book.