Tech IndustryDec 12, 2023

Future of Facebook is dimmed

93% of the teens said they used YouTube, compared to 63% who said they used TikTok, followed by smaller shares for Snapchat (60%), Instagram (59%) and Facebook (33%), respectively. The group found that while use of Snapchat and Instagram has grown since its 2015 report, use of Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) has declined; just 33% of teens said they used Facebook this year, compared to 71% in 2015. Twitter use fell from 33% in 2015 to just 20% this year. Do you use Facebook daily?

Many US teens ‘almost constantly’ using YouTube, TikTok, new Pew Research report shows
Many US teens ‘almost constantly’ using YouTube, TikTok, new Pew Research report shows
Yahoo Finance
264 Participants
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Coinbase needjob12 Dec 12, 2023

Only boomers use Facebook and millennials who are stuck in the 2010s. The way social media is consumed is different now. Who cares about what your family and friends do. That content is irrelevant now. I too have moved away from IG and to tiktok cuz it’s less of a popularity contest and just content that I enjoy

Amazon jLITvshs Dec 12, 2023

You are wrong... Facebook used to be interesting when it was about friends and family, but suddenly became a public space about companies and news.

Panopto emojicon Dec 12, 2023

Agreed with @amzn. The early days of Facebook were actually quite fun before they pivoted to media, recommendations and creators. Now it is like a purposeless monstrosity which has no idea what it is anymore.

Box cloud 🐒 Dec 12, 2023

I mean Facebook is pretty much unusable at this point. Platform quality became trash quite literally. I can't even see updates from friends and connections. All it shows is fucking stupid videos and ads. No wonder no one's using it. It must be on a life support internally?

Meta YAMC25 OP Dec 12, 2023

Because no one posts on Facebook now. So nothing to show besides the videos and ads

Box cloud 🐒 Dec 12, 2023

That shouldn't be equal to let's feed everyone's timeline with degenerate videos.

Apple welltodo Dec 12, 2023

Welcome to the company lifestyle. New generation wants new things, whatever is extremely famous is uncool for them. Next gen will use some other apps like BeReal instead of snap etc. The more famous and available you are, the sooner you become uncool and boring.

Credit Karma {$.$} Dec 12, 2023

Fb still owns WhatsApp, messenger, and instagram which is hands down the biggest social media platform. When people stop using that only then will fb be dead

Red Hat @available Dec 12, 2023

At the moment whatsapp and IG are life savers for meta.

Palo Alto Networks MDkO51 Dec 12, 2023

I moved to blind

Nakupuna Companies ᛏᚺᚢᛚᛖᚨᚾ Dec 12, 2023

I don’t even remember the last time I used Faceberg for anything besides selling shit on Marketplace. They really should just spin Marketplace off into its own platform at this point. It’s a way better experience than the scammer and spambot infested wasteland Craigslist has become nowadays.

Edelman Financial Engines kevinchili Dec 12, 2023

Question: why do you have numbers only from 2015 and today. Social media has come long long way since.

Meta YAMC25 OP Dec 12, 2023

That’s from Pew research.

Google Bardman Dec 12, 2023

You’d be surprised. I got better deals on FB marketplace than most other places for Black Friday. I shop on FB marketplace more than you’d ever know. You just need to stay away from scamsters.

Airbnb pLn5f23 Dec 12, 2023

That's marketplace which is basically an entirely different product

Google GoogleFii Dec 12, 2023

the target audience on facebook have aged so they have more buying power 💁‍♀️

Amazon $&@“:;?!’ Dec 12, 2023

the stock x3 this year so your analysis doesnt matter

Stripe @StripeSat Dec 12, 2023

But there’s a metaverse

LinkedIn chatgeept Dec 12, 2023

In Zuck’s dreams

PayPal GJc2GDqa Dec 12, 2023

No. That’s Elon that wants to chip into your brain