Misc.Aug 10, 2019

Company Alliterations

Austere Amazon (door desks and bananas) Bungling Boeing (737 max fiasco) Condemned Comcast (ppl hate them) Duplicated Dropbox (services like file storage are duplicated by lots of companies) Eclectic Ebay (can find an eclectic selection of items on it) Fickle Facebook (social media is fickle) Glorified Google (hyped up as glorious place to work) Hamstrung HP (not sure how well they are doing) Inept Intel (meltdown, spectre, etc.) Jostling Jet (jostling for position in the e-commerce race) Kooky KCC Software (website looks like it’s from the 90s) Lavish Linkedin (I heard they have some of the best food) Meager Microsoft (their equity refreshers are meager rations!) Neurotic Netflix (unusual culture) Obnoxious Oracle (ridiculous lawsuits) Paranoid Palantir (useful software if your organization is paranoid) Questioning Qualtrics (they make lots of surveys with questions) Rambunctious Raytheon (defense contractor) Silly Spotify (levels include “squad step” and “tribe step”) Tumultuous Twitter (lots of arguments happen here) Unloved Uber (they keep getting hit with so much controversy) Vicious Visa (if you commit fraud, they will probably be vicious towards you) Wallowing Wayfair (some posts say they are wallowing in technical debt) Xerothermic Xilinx (fancy word could maybe have something to do with hardware) Yammering Yelp (lots of people yammering on their platform) Zesty Zillow (Zestimates!) Last, but not least. In a whole other league: ALMIGHTY ALBERTSONS!!!

F5 Networks bhai-log Aug 10, 2019

👍🏻 good 💩

Twitter Lemonade🍋 Aug 10, 2019


Google luscious OP Aug 10, 2019

What alliteration would you prefer for your company then?

ThoughtSpot Googleplex Aug 10, 2019

Trump’s Twitter

Facebook nani‽ Aug 10, 2019

If you have to explain them, they're not good (you don't for many of these)

Google luscious OP Aug 10, 2019

What ones that i put wouldnt make sense without an explanation?

Facebook nani‽ Aug 10, 2019

I haven't even heard of many of these, but my "favorite" is Viscous Visa which isn't even based on real events or impressions and instead just the supposition that they'll probably come after people hard

LinkedIn tar-cfz Aug 10, 2019

This guy alliterates. 11/10 would like again

PayPal sea 🌊 Aug 12, 2019

Painful PayPal