Research Nowdapaps

How is the adoption of TypeScript outside of MS?

I have been a backend developer most of my life. Last year I tried learning front end and I threw up on the sight of JavaScript code .... This year I tried again with TypeScript + React and the result was much better and I liked developing a UI for the first time. My question is that has TS found any adoption? Given that almost all programming languages offer Compilation directly to JavaScript these days. I know MS may be using it big time but they have a tendency to use their own tech no matter how bad it is (like Silverlight)

Spotify NpUr67 Apr 19, 2018

TypeScript ranked highly in this year’s Stack Overflow survey.

Research Now dapaps OP Apr 19, 2018

I don’t trust SO surveys much because that’s the opinion of people just trying to learn trendy stuff. I am more interested in adoption by large companies. So for example does Spotify use TS?

Spotify NpUr67 Apr 19, 2018

Spotify has too much tech debt preventing it from using nice things.

AppDynamics j3r3my Apr 20, 2018

FWIW, AppDynamics UI is written in Typescript.

Dropbox n3idj Apr 20, 2018

We use TS React

PayPal rockerzone Apr 20, 2018

We use typescript in some of our codebase

Amazon Fincus Apr 20, 2018

TS is pretty well respected a lot of places. It’s used in some of Amazon. Another MS product I’ve seen get traction in the non-MS community is VS Code.

Microsoft lfRr22 Jun 6, 2018

VS code is written in TS

Spotify NpUr67 Apr 21, 2018

Google used TypeScript for Angular 2, so TypeScript is commonly used by companies using Angular.