SeattleAug 11, 2017

Interview tips - Amazon?

Received interest from an Amazon recruiter for an SDM (S/w Development Manager) role. Any tips on approaching interview Qs unique to Amazon? Sure shot Qs to expect/ watch out for..? Also, how long does the interview process generally take? how many rounds, on what topic(s)?

Amazon BezosJeff Aug 11, 2017

Know the Leadership Principles

Epic KHCx54 Aug 11, 2017

what are these?

GEM Eri Aug 11, 2017

Thank you, how many Leadership Principles do they usually cover in the interview?

Yahoo MeyerTown Aug 11, 2017

Make cases for all the principles at least two strong cases. Usually try to gauge which principle you are being quizzed upon from the interviewer. Use SBI or STAR methods to answer questions. Do not digress and keep the answers concise.

Amazon 12356.$/8/ Aug 11, 2017

Which subsidiary? Because interview questions vary based on the team. Some teams ask more behavioral questions than others. I would recommend linking your behavioral answers with leadership principles

GEM Eri Aug 11, 2017

Thanks, this is for their Corporate subsidiary

Amazon 12356.$/8/ Aug 11, 2017

It seems mostly it will be about your previous work and how did you use Amazons leadership principles. Did you have a phone interview? If yes, what did they ask?

Logitech meatlocker Aug 11, 2017

Memorize the leadership principles. You'll be grilled on them all day.

GEM Eri Aug 11, 2017

All day?

Amazon 😑ugh Aug 12, 2017

No not true. Recruiting here. This is a time waster. Come up wth three examples for each leadership principle (important to have more than one example) and be able to explain via Star method. You do not have to memorize the LPs because you will not be grilled on them. Hopefully you are familiar with behavioral interviewing, if not, research what this means, it's important.‪ this is how the interview questions are delivered and they are based on the leadership principles. For example, "Give me an example of a time you had to make an an important business decision where speed was critical." That's a behavioral question focused on Bias For Action, an LP. Hope it helps and best of luck.

whodatwho Aug 11, 2017

Do exactly this: Write down all 10 of the Leadership Principle (just google them)... Review them and come up with an annecodate from your past experience that showcases how you display that principle. You can do one annecodote that covers more than one principle - for example, a time when you thought big, had a bias for action, and accomplished somethung frugally. Structure each of your annecodotes in the STAR format (Google it). Memorize each of your annecdotes and reherse reciting them out loud so they sound confident and natural. When the interviewer brings up a question that you think is related to a principle, tell your annecdote. You want this to come off as natural and prepared as opposed to rehersed and robotic. FYI, I did all of this in a word doc just like I was studying for a test. Amazon is very specific about how they interview. If you're not prepared for it, it'll be off-putting. If you are though, you'll fucking ace it and impress everyone.

Google exml53 Aug 11, 2017

I used to work at Amazon and interviewed a lot of candidates. This is pretty good advice. A good interviewer will ask pretty deep and pointed follow up questions, so make sure your anecdotes aren't just high level bullshit.

GEM Eri Aug 11, 2017

Thank you, from your experience, how long did each interview generally take? How many rounds?

Microsoft SuperChalm Aug 11, 2017

For a dm, how much code/technical will you be asked? It sounds like y'all are saying the interview is all around leadership principles.