Misc.Oct 6, 2017

Just got promoted to L4. Don’t think raise is sufficient.

Alright L4’s at Amazon. I need your help. I just got promoted to L4 after less than a year. My raise was 10% and I’m in an assistant manager position, but the more I talk to my peers who are L3’s the more I’m realizing a majority of them are making more than me, even post promotion. How do I address this with my Senior??

Microsoft amazonex Oct 6, 2017

You quit?

Amazon BOmf66 Oct 6, 2017

What group are you in and how much are you making now? I'm currently L4 in my group and I've spoken to other L4s and we all make pretty close to what each other makes. I'm at $73K base, $12K starting bonus, $10K 2nd year bonus with 45 shares of stock.

Amazon Raaawww... Oct 6, 2017

I promoted one of my guys to L6 and Max I could do was 10% increase in the base. Stock price has appreciated so much that no further RSUs could be granted.

Amazon EfBd74ao5? Oct 6, 2017

When you get promoted you get bumped to the lower band of the next level. If you are too far below target, they will readjust next comp cycle.

Amazon XFyR52 Oct 6, 2017

What for the next raise, have regular meetings on how you are hitting your set targets / exceeding. Find another job if the raise isn't sufficient

Amazon AmzzSeattl Oct 8, 2017

You received a 10% bump and whining? Many of us receive 0% raises. Enjoy it or go to another company if money is what motivates you. Other companies pay much better than Amazon. Your co-workers May have negotiated better than you when hired in.

Deloitte PVaQ48 Oct 11, 2017

Ask for more money.