PoliticsMar 8, 2019

May not like him but Tucker nailed the catalyst issue of today

https://youtu.be/P6E1PFt8-a4 Free speech is at the core of our beliefs and although I may lean slightly left, the Democratic Party is looking more and more like a communist party each passing year..

Tucker responds to the DNC barring Fox News in 2020
Tucker responds to the DNC barring Fox News in 2020
Micro Focus vHwd00 Mar 8, 2019

How many RNC presidential debates did MSNBC host in 2016 and where was Tucker’s outrage back then?

Insight SJ27 OP Mar 8, 2019

I agree, but I think he gets to a deeper issue.. we are allowing our representatives to avoid questions from the other side of the aisle. I also vividly remember Fox News calling out the White House last year when CNN reporters were thrown under the bus However, this is a theme that I see more with Democrats. It’s not their fault that most of the media is left leaning, but the DNC looks to avoid the other side at all costs.. thankfully republicans don’t have that opportunity. So it ends up being one side is more scrutinized by the media than the other. We should have the ability to see the DNC under tough questions

Intel UGeJ58 Mar 8, 2019

The problem is that the "tough questions" aren't actually tough questions about what matters. It's a debate that turns into making democrats look like they want to club baby seals. Likewise, democrats do the same things and will dredge up any possible link between a republican president and a momentary economic event (first order view of a complex interaction). It's all simpleton thoughts and spins. If tough questions were really asked, we wouldnt subsidize an opiod addiction (Pharma grants), have laughable pot holes in every state, have federal agencies that whine to the media, and have a legislative body that is so petty they would rather see longtime govt workers change career because the govt isn't a reliable source of income

OpenTable Meliodas Mar 8, 2019

Huh? Freedom of association, parties don’t have to use propaganda platforms that are against their self interest.

Insight SJ27 OP Mar 8, 2019

Not saying they can’t do this, but they look idiotic in doing so.

OpenTable Meliodas Mar 8, 2019

How do they look idiotic?

Hubspot hebtidhevh Mar 8, 2019

CNN gave debate questions aprori to one candidate during the last democratic primary, and they'll still be hosting debates this year lololol

TripAdvisor owlwise Mar 8, 2019

You mean like Fox did to Trump?

Salesforce guavacado Mar 8, 2019

The good news is that neither candidate ever answered or addressed the questions at all. They both just instantly went off on tangents unrelated to the questions. It was hilarious actually

Kemper King Ruby Mar 8, 2019

You have to admit that the fact you see it more with democrats is because of the narrative you’re being fed. Neither party has any incentive to be transparent. Otherwise people from either side wouldn’t have a scapegoat.

Insight SJ27 OP Mar 8, 2019

No not at all. It’s a fact that the media is overwhelmingly more to the left. Thus, republicans are encountered with tougher questions on a more regular basis. I enjoy this. I want to see our politicians asked tough questions from the other side. There is really only one news channel that is right leaning and would place the DNC with tough questions.. and they were just banned. So we really believe CNN or MSNBC are going to do anything other than their softball questions?

Microsoft KSFb46 Mar 8, 2019

Can you give me examples of tougher questions that Republicans have to field on a regular basis? I only see Republicans getting a pass for everything even when they are the majority party.

Intel UGeJ58 Mar 8, 2019

If I hear about another self proclaimed "left leaning"....

Insight SJ27 OP Mar 8, 2019

I am left leaning.. but I have the ability to critically think and listen to the other side and sometimes agree. Is it not troubling that our politicians are given approval to avoid the other side?

Intel UGeJ58 Mar 8, 2019

Absolutely agree, but you are a moderate at best and likely just an independent thinker. But you self assign into the 2-party system for no real reason. That's my underlying beef. "X-side leaning" is a term that the 2-party politicians like to maintain. It's called job security

Dropbox drl/food Mar 8, 2019

Tucker has always been a huge advocate for free speech. Love the guy. He hates Democrats and Republicans alike, as we all should. He spent a good number of years at CNN co-hosting the Crossfire show, and then was on MSNBC for several years too. But muh Fox News.

OpenTable Meliodas Mar 8, 2019

Except when it is speech he doesn’t like to hear.

Dropbox drl/food Mar 8, 2019

Wrong. Tucker will fight for your right to say stupid shit all day long.

OpenTable Meliodas Mar 8, 2019

The primary is more than a year away. This is more manufactured outrage to generate ad revenue. It’s television, they won’t ask hard questions, people would get bored and lose interest.

Amazon Bestseller Mar 8, 2019

I don’t understand why people don’t like this guy. It seems to me that many Democrat voters don’t understand what the Democratic Party represents. Democrat means majority rule. So be damned with the minorities. Democrat elites only pander to minorities to win their vote.

Insight SJ27 OP Mar 8, 2019

And don’t republicans pander to their base by pointing that out constantly? Thus, enraging white people into doing dumb things? Let’s not act like republicans are a great standard. There is an internal fight of what the Democratic Party is set to become. And by the looks of it, socialism (eventually communism) will be its future. Republicans have become a 90s center left party with their inability to cut spending and taxes. There is no Conservative party anymore

OpenTable Meliodas Mar 8, 2019

Not following the reasoning. Democrats only pander to minorities to win their vote? Yet, California is super majority Democrats and whites don’t make up the majority. And, somehow Republicans are a better alternative, because they pander to a shrinking minority of white Christians?

Credit Karma EllisDee25 Mar 8, 2019

It would be nice to have a more democratic electoral system. But as it stands now, the two parties are private organizations who can set their own terms in having debates or not. This is not an attack on free-speech. I’d love a debate by either party moderated by a bunch of DNC-critical socialists from Jacobin, but it’s not going to happen just for the sake of including more viewpoints and criticism. For an example of curtailing 1st amendment free speech, there are things like this: https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/ct-government-database-migrant-caravan-20190307-story.html