Misc.Nov 16, 2019

737 Max

What is going on with Boeing? If you can’t get your software to work with your hardware why rush the product out to the marketplace? Boeing can make up the money on the space launch project. Any answers (Boeing peeps)? https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.businessinsider.com/boeing-pressure-faa-737-max-staff-beg-not-to-fly-2019-11 Would you fly on this plane?

Boeing is pressuring the FAA to clear the 737 Max to fly sooner, even as some airline staff beg not to be put back on it
Boeing is pressuring the FAA to clear the 737 Max to fly sooner, even as some airline staff beg not to be put back on it
Business Insider
58 Participants
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Fast Enterprises lodoxjs8 Nov 16, 2019

The fact that it took a second crash for them to admit anything was wrong is hilariously inept fucking morons who only care about money

Amazon xAmznTechy Nov 16, 2019

Boeing didn’t actually admit anything until they were virtually forced to. The FAA was the last domino to fall, globally speaking. There are funds out there minting cash on these incidents. People have died for millennia for various causes. Follow the money and you’ll see the light.

Amazon xAmznTechy Nov 16, 2019

I don’t think it’s completely BA’s fault. In fact, the investigation reports show it isn’t. BUT, It seems for quite a while, it’s been expected that pilots deal with sub-optimal UX in flight ops. Given that everything else they use as a consumer has just been improving UX over the years, I don’t blame them, completely. for being less attentive to all the operational details, even though that’s their job and what they are paid to do. Developing countries are way more lax on their testing and requirements. You can guess that from where the issues occurred. I’m from a developing country and have no qualms about calling them out. It just plain sucks that people had to die and sucks for BA that they cannot just point fingers and call it good. Ok, full disclaimer, I bought hundreds of BA stocks because they are just the next In a long line of strong companies that won’t die or fail due to hiccups. Also, the market is a duopoly.

oeeL53 Nov 16, 2019

If it’s not BAs fault, how come the new AirBus Neo is not crashing?

Amazon xAmznTechy Nov 16, 2019

Lol! Why do you think Airbus is not bashing BA in the media and tanking it?

First Republic fakeacct Nov 16, 2019

Boeing is putting profits before safety. Plain and simple. Gotta beat airbus. Personally, I think it’s a design, software, and hardware issue. The thrusters are installed too low and pilots aren’t getting the correct training to fix problems and software is saying you should go lower when you should be heading up is a big problem.

Facebook public2 Nov 16, 2019

It's almost like they are a business instead of a charity or something.

Google IjTG62 Nov 16, 2019

public2 This is the lowest point for capitalists. I am not proposing socialism blah blah, but when you point to profit making in a discussion of gross lying resulting in deaths of hundreds, it should be obvious where Friedman has gone wrong.

Boeing LazyB Nov 16, 2019

Really sucks that people died and no doubt BA shoulders a lot of that blame, but don’t let these recent incidents take away the overall perspective. Flying is by far the safest mode of transport, in fact you have a much higher chance of dying on your drive to the airport than on any plane even the 737 max included. I would 100% ride it after it’s re-certified. Boeing literally can’t afford to get it wrong this time. Even for a giant that’s too big to fail like them if there’s one more crash it would seriously impact their solvency. I have no doubt they’ll get it right and these planes will go on to be one of the safest in aviation history.

Bank of America boa177 Nov 16, 2019

Per billion miles is not a good statistic, rather 1000 trips. I'm sure space travel would be the safest if you use billion miles. Heck if a solitary and only human died in a space flight of 50 billion miles on voyager, it would be safer than airplanes. LOL.

Microsoft L4J Nov 16, 2019

Designing a faulty HW and trying to fix the issue with SW is risky when you are at 30k feet: https://spectrum.ieee.org/aerospace/aviation/how-the-boeing-737-max-disaster-looks-to-a-software-developer

Microsoft cepo Nov 16, 2019

I wouldn’t fly it. I would buy BA at these levels though

ZF AutoDev Nov 16, 2019

If there is another accident it seems statistically unlikely that I'll be on that plane, so yeah I'll fly on it. Looking at this poll it looks like you might find some good discounts too.

Microsoft L4J Nov 16, 2019

Passengers that will be on that plane would likely agree with you.