Tech IndustryAug 5, 2016

Ali Baba bid for Netflix

Looks like you Netflixers could end up working for Ali Baba. Enjoy the stock spike.

PayPal kkdt Aug 5, 2016

hope it goes above 130 then....

Microsoft kanyewest Aug 5, 2016

If alibaba buys Netflix I'm cancelling my subscription

Oracle X1cv5 Aug 5, 2016

Same thing here. Alibaba is just a fraud.

Microsoft ten Aug 5, 2016

I haven't been following them in the news, what's the elevator pitch for why they're bad?

Oracle X1cv5 Aug 5, 2016

Oh boy, just open an account with them and tons of Chinese scammers will try steal your money

Microsoft No name Aug 5, 2016

Rumor that lived for a few hours :-)