Misc.Jul 7, 2023

Any good way to adblock Smart TVs?

How can i get rid of all ads on my SAMSUNG Smart TV on youtube and other apps. #misc

wibla Jul 7, 2023


PitchBook Data shameless7 Jul 7, 2023

Raspberry pi

RUuM04 Jul 7, 2023

YouTube Premium

IKEA ioQj69 OP Jul 7, 2023

I don't pay for yt or google at all.

Google Gоοgle Jul 7, 2023

AdguardHome on raspberry-pi. It's similar to pihole but a bit more intuitive and easier to setup in my opinion. Anyway I pay for YT premium, but all the other smart TV tracking is blocked, and I don't get the banner ads on Google TV either. I still get ads on Amazon prime videos though.

IKEA ioQj69 OP Jul 7, 2023

I heared about it, thanks for suggestion.

Google Gоοgle Jul 7, 2023

Start with a simple setup using cloudflare or Google DNS as the source DNS. Once you set that up, you can ditch it and go directly to authoritative recursive DNS lookups using Unbound. That's my current setup and I'm very happy with it. I also went a step further and setup TLS certificate with port forward via my firewall so my Android phone can use private DNS with adblock all the time, even when I'm not home. Finally, I've setup the following filter lists on AGH.