Tech IndustryMay 23, 2019

Apple Health AC wellness Team info and Feedback

Does anyone have any information on how the AC Wellness team ( Apple Health) works? Does it belongs to Strategic Health Initiatives org under IS&T division. Looking for some recommendations and feedback.

Doximity kknRdv543 May 23, 2019

Following. Interested in that team also.

Apple wa95014 May 23, 2019

What do you want to know? No it doesn’t belong under IS&T, it’s under Operations.

Intuit Blintuit OP May 23, 2019

I would like to know the culture, scope of learning and growth comparatively with the rest of the organization. When it comes to compensation and yearly stock refreshers, how do you compare with other teams? Since I know this team is a new initiative in Apple.

Apple wa95014 May 24, 2019

Depends what team you’re on...what are the details of the role and your current role/tc?

Intuit Blintuit OP May 25, 2019

I’m not sure about the role. This is for my friend but looks like something SRE. what’s the scope of growth over there? He is working as Senior Devops with 250k compensation and 8 yoe