Financial Services Company#1controlr

Best big 4 auditor

My favorite time of the year, audit season :) so, I've been a controller/accounting team for the past 10 years and i've worked with every big 4 auditor at my current/past companies. tbh...each big4 auditor has been pretty much consistent with me/my team. Outside of the big4, i've noticed a pretty big gaap (hehe) for ex. moss adams and BDO in terms of details/thoroughness. and to be fair, i've had a good working relationship with Deloitte so that's my preference but for my fellow accountants, who do you think is objectively the best auditor? #finance #accounting #big4

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Postmates Rithm&Floe Mar 7

Hate to break it to you but between the big 4, they're all the same. Even KPMG. And I say that as a former employee of one of the other 3 who has worked with all 4 after getting out of public accounting

Financial Services Company #1controlr OP Mar 8

hehe early on my career, while meeting our Deloitte team, we were wrapping up the meeting and i wanted to thank the team but i slipped & mistakenly said, 'thanks for all your hard work team PwC'...which was my previous auditors. They were like, yea we're Deloitte but...we get it :)

lauraeiklo Mar 8

Regrettably, I must convey that among the prominent four accounting firms, they exhibit similarities, including KPMG. This observation stems from my previous employment at one of the three remaining firms, coupled with subsequent experience collaborating with all four entities post my tenure in public accounting.

Goldman Sachs Lulzzzzzz Mar 11

Blind has accounting fols aswell. Nice

PwC sqrtlsqd Mar 11

The best way to pick a big4 auditor is by your favorite color, do you want orange, yellow, green or blue?

Google RuthsDaddy Mar 11

How much do you guys earn?

PwC sqrtlsqd Mar 12

Half a peanut

Google RuthsDaddy Mar 12

Why do you work there?

力量 Mar 11

How much do you guys make?!

Fastly xOkF33 Mar 13

Deloittes got DU so there’s that