IndiaApr 27

Biggest cause of the downfall of Hinduism in modern era

What's the biggest reason you see for the downfall of Hindu civilization/Hinduism? 1. Caste based division: People can easily divide Hindus on the basis of caste (brahmin, kshatriya, baniya etc). Hindus are not united and abuse leaders who at least try to unite. 2. Hindus themselves mock our traditions: Do you still believe in God? Hinduism is a religion where people accept you even if you are atheist. But many people assume only theists are Hindus. 3. Ignorant about history: People don't even know our history written in mahabharat and ramayan. 4. Fight among themselves: The reason may be anything like publicity, promotion, or money! 5. Education system: Where very less is taught about marathas, kalingas, hoysalas but they teach everything about mughals who looted India. 6. Colonial mindset: Leaning more towards western culture. Don't get me wrong I am not speaking about dress! But understand that our food like chapati dal rice is always healthier than pizza! Our dress like khadi cotton are always better for climate that we live in than suits. 7. Fake seculars/Urban Naxals: Fake seculars fake feminists fake environmentalists and fake journalists. Who shut their mouth during the new year but suddenly remember the environment on diwali. Note: some people here are defending Mughals and saying they didn't loot India. Lemme tell you this. Yes, they looted. Which one of the following is more brutal: 1. An invader/thief comes to your house, steals the money and leaves. 2. An invader/thief comes to your house, kills your strong brother/father, rapes your sisters/mother, makes you a slave, makes you pay tax, and stays at your home.

78 Participants
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Wayfair 028045 Apr 27

Hinduism was never meant to be preached. It was always meant to be practiced. As long as you believe in the principles of hinduism and practice them, there will be no downfall.

Google tsunami. OP Apr 27

It's happening. Many people don't feel proud of our civilization and mock who follows. Not saying everyone but I see more and more people coming in this category.

Wayfair 028045 Apr 27

You missing my point dude. It is what you think about hinduism matters and not what others make of it.

Google JRBd76 Apr 27

Hindu religion is responsible for the caste system? I don’t know much about the religion but that is surprising to me. I would think anything truly spiritual would have no divisions of people in a hierarchical sense.

Google tsunami. OP Apr 27

Casteism is not part of our religion. It got developed over time during the Mughal era. Our civilization was a headless chicken (leaders were getting killed) for over 600-800 years. But yeah, it's a shame on us we still carry that and politicians (specifically Congress) promote that for vote bank politics. Divide and rule.

Google JRBd76 Apr 27

Thanks for sharing! Understood.

Google GRwS15 Apr 27

Hey OP, where do you live?

Google tsunami. OP Apr 27

It doesn't matter.

Google pb3veha Apr 27

tsunami lives outside of India. Said it in another post

Google \NotAgain Apr 27

Can people convert to Hindu? I don't think it's possible. Hindu religion is dependent on existing Hindus and can spread only through reproduction. Moreover, there is no unity and no unanimous ask for things which matters to Hinduism (e.g. It took so many years to rebuild the Ram temple in a secular country like India). It is imminent to see a downfall in today's world. Do you know which religion spreads? One, which scares people of other religions to convert to their religions and is forced to obey leaders commands once in their religion. In today's world, religion is less about practices which help evolve humans into a better version of themselves. It's more about fake affinity, fake sense of being liked and doing good things. It is a tool used by leaders of those religions to use the herd to justify things for their personal beliefs.

Paytm sx8765 Apr 27

I am not sure if people can convert to Hinduism. India doesn't have history of invading other lands. On the other hands, Arabs and Christians have always invaded other regions and that's how their religion was popularized(in some cases enforced ) I don't think Christianity scares anyone, yet it is world's most practised religion

Paytm sx8765 Apr 27

Just read class 6th history textbook - chapter on early Vedic period and later Vedic period. Downfall already started with later Vedic period.

Google hellowrldd Apr 28

Be more detailed paytm

SAP HNLr44 Apr 27

The gatekeepers of Hinduism , are mostly corrupt. Go to most famous temples , filled with corruption and greed. Lot of fakes swamis and sadhus just to peddle money

Google tsunami. OP Apr 27

Temples are under Govt control.

Paytm sx8765 Apr 27

You are so delusional. Temples have big trust that even governments don't touch. These temples didn't even donate money during covid times - talk about the downfall here.

Walmart nkjsndkjna Apr 27

Because hinduism isn’t a religion. Hinduism is an umbrella term coined by British for all idol worshipping non monotheistic religions. Which means Hinduism by its nature is combination of several different faiths, rituals, practices and so on. So they can not and will never unite

Google tsunami. OP Apr 27

It's a civilization to be more precise. Not a religion. Did I mention that it's a religion in the post?

Walmart nkjsndkjna Apr 27

It is categorized as a religion in modern times. And even if you talk about “civilization”, argument remains the same. There has never been a single united hindu/indian civilization in the history just like there has never been a united country as we have it now. In fact, the closest unification of the land like how it is now was during Aurangzeb’s rule who has been made a villain to demonize Muslims of current times. India was always several different religions/civilizations/languages/cultures/kingdoms etc. In some ways, it is a miracle of how modern India came to be post independence. But it is slowly breaking apart as current regime is trying to disturb the very fabric that miraculously binds the states (union of states). Unfortunately, democracy was and is the only somewhat workable solution for such a heterogeneous population.

Axon ashjdsjhd Apr 27

5. Mughals didn’t loot India. They assimilated into the region and the later Mughal rulers were more Indian than Central Asian. Also how can they loot when they were part of India. There are other people like Nader Shah who did loot though. 6. No one thinks Pizza is healthier than Dal and Rice. But Dal and Rice are also not healthy enough. The problem is rigidity. People need to stop enforcing their beliefs on others. Why ban Beef, when people have been eating it for centuries?

Amazon YoWTF Apr 27

+1 to (5) especially, lot of people don't realise this. The wealth wasn't moved out of India, lot of other Muslim conquerors did that. It's not like Mughals didn't have their quirks but they kept getting more and more assimilated with each ruler, upto a certain point, and then everything went to sh*t once English and Portuguese came knocking lol. In fact, English were beaten ruthlessly by Mughals when they first tried their hands on India. So much so that they had to get a pardon from the emperor and didn't try again until they were damn sure that the empire had collapsed.

Salesforce aggrevatin Apr 27

5) I agree that the Mughals didn't loot India, but they didn't do the local population any favor, they wanted to rule and you can't rule by burning the land you want to rule. It was one most detrimental time for native population mass scale genocide and conversions did happen, culminating in aurangzeb. Which led to the exact thing the Mughals were most afraid of, its excesses led to major rebellions across the Mughal empire, weakening it to the core. Until the bengal sultanate , the nizams , the Marathas and the Sikh empire put it to an end. Also most people gleefully forget , the British didn't take India from the Mughals , they took India from the Maratha confiderecy and the bengal sultanate. 6) well why ban dog, cat horse meat too this is just a perception, in India we see cows as family, it's just as ridiculous as calling a dog a part of your family. Indians mostly have anthropomorphized cows as the west has done with dogs or cats.

Amazon YoWTF Apr 27

>> Hinduism is a religion where people accept you even if you are atheist No they don't. Hindus is a word used for people living on the side of river Indus. From that aspect, essentially everyone in Indian subcontinent is a Hindu. But that's not the practical meaning, is it? >> People don't even know our history written in mahabharat and ramayan. I have read Ramayan and BG (not Mahabharat though). They aren't history, but mythology. There are aspects of it which definitely reflect things of the past, but you can't call contemporary fiction to be history of our current times. >> Where very less is taught about marathas, kalingas, hoysalas but they teach everything about mughals who looted India. I read about Marathas and Kalingas in our History books (CBSE). In CBSE curriculum they teach history starting from the Golden Era of India (basically pre-Ashoka period). All of this *is* there in the books, so is the history of Sikhs as well. In fact, I remember cramming all these names for my NTSE exam prep. In fact, I even remember question related to the first Indian ruler who stopped advancing Napolean army. As well as bunch of questions related to Mongolian invasion and the push back. And Mughals history is more detailed because they ruled all over India for a much bigger period of time than almost any other king of India, so they have more history. And when Mughals ruled India, we accounted for a quarter of the world's GDP. Also, don't forget the fact that Mughals had tonnes of writers, writing about their times, kings, etc. And world was also more advanced, so there are accounts of foreign travellers visiting the courts of these rules. This wasn't the case for most other rulers of India (they were mostly regional, Marathas aren't really that well known outside India because they weren't that big anyways). Most kids in India don't give a flying F about history, stop blaming the books (ask yourself, how much do you yourself about our History when you were a kid) >> Our dress like khadi cotton are always better for climate that we live in than suits. Very true. Almost no Indian wears traditional clothes anymore. In fact, it's more common to find Indian women in trad clothes than men :) >> Who shut their mouth during the new year but suddenly remember the environment on diwali. What has feminism got to do with this? Seculars, environmentalists I still agree with. Just don't throw hate on everyone.

Google tsunami. OP Apr 27

You seem to be a typical Urban Naxal. Many wrong things starting from the defining who is a Hindu. Can't debate. Good luck with your views.

Walmart nkjsndkjna Apr 27

@tsunami, even if you don’t agree, how about you try and analyze what others are talking about and validate for yourself if the arguments make sense? Simply name calling and discarding the argument won’t help, moreover why make a post if you didn’t want to read answers that you “dont like”?

Chainalysis sSGB26 Apr 27

Hindu khatre m h? Lol

Google tsunami. OP Apr 27

Really? Modi is coming and then Yogi. Try to start bomb blasts, you'll get screwed

Chainalysis sSGB26 Apr 27

Start what??