BlackRock Associate Interview

Hello all, so now I work with construction project management which is a pain in the ass, and managed to get an interview at BlackRock as an associate for their Portfolio Analytics Group (PAG). The first phone call was just a 6-min HR call where we spoke on my resume, but the second interview is this following week. I don't care how much the position pays, I just want to work in the industry and escape my current situation. Does anyone know what the second, and future interviews entail? I'm relying on this interview to help me get out of a boring job. age: 24, 2 yoe, tc 85k #interview

BlackRock aOLI30 Apr 19, 2021

Basic fixed income and bond math like PV calcs from CFs, dur, convexity, interest rate curves etc would be important. Programming skills, SQL, familiarity with Linux would be helpful.