Tech IndustryMay 15, 2018


I have an excellent offer (only) from company A that needs to be accepted/rejected in a very short period of time. I have an interview scheduled with company B in two weeks. Reputation wise company B is higher than A. I am not sure about the best move i) accept the offer and cancel the interview ii) accept the offer and proceed with the interview and take a decision depending on the interview outcome. I understand option 2 is not morally sound if I have to say no to company A. Any suggestion is appreciated.

Houzz whsn May 15, 2018

Don’t just focus on a company’s reputation; consider how you feel about the company and if you’re excited about working there. If you tell company A that you need more time to decide so you cannot accept now you MAY be able to persuade them to extend their deadline

IBM jduejwk902 OP May 15, 2018

already did, they want to stick with the deadline..

Facebook May 15, 2018

Fuck exploding offers. A lot of the time it's just to prevent you from shopping around.

HurdDaGnus May 15, 2018

Nothing morally unsound, it's all business. But you would (at least in all likelihood) be burning bridges with company A - do you want to close out the possibility of working for them in the future? Whereas if A liked you enough to hire you for this position, they are likely to hire you in the future if you turn them down gracefully. Indeed, if it's a bigger company and it's not a very specific position, and you are otherwise ready to walk away with a "I'm really sorry, I can't accept now but I hope you'll consider me in the future" they may even find themselves a bunch more flexible all of a sudden.

Skawar May 15, 2018

Ya go with option 2

Research Now dapaps May 15, 2018

Option 2 bro. Like others said ... your interests come first

HurdDaGnus May 15, 2018

It's just business.