Tech IndustryJun 30, 2022

DoorDash office hours

I’ll be a new joiner next month. For office hours, what should I expect? 9 to 5? 10 to 6? or depends on team? TC 300k

Roblox youric4 Jun 30, 2022

It depends. People in Spain tend to have really late dinners, like at 9-10pm

DoorDash YHmA33 Jun 30, 2022

Depends on team and your ability to get your work done independently. Personally I work from 10-4:30 and no one has said anything and I’ve gotten exceeds expectations on perf

qEyT44 OP Jun 30, 2022

Cool. Thanks.

DoorDash YHmA33 Jun 30, 2022

Just to not completely give you a distorted perspective, I do know a good amount of people who work much longer. Not sure if they just have more work and tighter deadlines, or if they aren’t very productive throughout the day etc….

DoorDash RPTwo Jun 30, 2022

Honestly - most eng teams don't go to the office as there is no mandate to go in. IF you wanna go in - you'll usually see people 10-5 give or take. When I come in - like another DD friend mentioned I do 9:30-4:30 or something along those lines and do it only if I have a specific reason to be in the office (meetings, co-workers traveling over etc) From my entire org I think you can usually count on 1 hand how many people show up regularly.