Tech IndustryMay 18, 2022

Expedia relocation assistance

Hi, did anyone use Expedia relocation assistance after accepting their offer? My offer letter says it's a lump sum payment. But on the company website, i see that it says they actually offer to ship cars and other items as well as arranging house searching trips prior to the move. How does this work? Is it lump sum payment on top of the relocation assistance, or i'll be paying for the move with the lump sum payment? Yea this is a question to recruiter, but my recruiter is just the most unresponsive person in the world...

Expedia Group DEEEC May 18, 2022

they don’t help with anything. just expect a lump sum payment

EY wyLk60 OP May 25, 2022

I saw on people site that there’s a reimbursable trip prior to the move? Is that not the case?

Expedia Group DEEEC May 25, 2022

just be happy that you get reimbursement at least after your move 😂 people have been waiting for months after the relocation. the process is broken somehow

Morgan Stanley banks suck May 18, 2022

12k lump sum once you officially move, they pay tax on it too so thats nice

Expedia Group YRDV21 May 29, 2022

They offer either a lump sum (12k) or relocation assistance ( ship cars, pack and move household goods, temporary accom, car rental) + 5k.

Expedia Group qui_gon Jun 13, 2022

What if someone worked at Expedia for more than a year and moves to the states on L1. Would EG then pay the relocation assistance?