
Blinders, how do you take care of your eyes? My eyesight was pathetic to start with and 8+ hours of screen time is not helping. Everytime I visit the opthalmologist, I get a higher prescription. Are there any exercises that worked for you?

PastLass Jan 17, 2020

Team Blind

Oracle NewOracle Jan 17, 2020

My eyesight is perfect. I would recommend you to use immediately a screen filter if it’s not already the case and maybe some glasses with anti-reflective lens. But I’m not an expert.

VMware gx49bk OP Jan 17, 2020

Yes I do take those precautions.

Oracle moRr3t Jan 17, 2020

Computer usage doesn’t cause myopia. Sorry. You can’t stop it. It will run its course. A 30 year glass user.

VMware gx49bk OP Jan 17, 2020

I know! Bad eyesight runs in my family. Was just wondering if exercises helped anyone in any way. Kinda desperate right now :(

Amazon go0gl Jan 17, 2020

I have severe myopia (hereditary). Its leveled out the last few years but my prescription is -12.5 contacts and -14.5/15 glasses. I have a lot of screen time between normal work to PC gaming to watching TV, but I dont think screens make myopia worse. It sucks but it is what it is.

VMware gx49bk OP Jan 17, 2020

I feel you.

Tinder whodunnnit Jan 17, 2020

It’s genetics. My brother got lasik and it changed his life, maybe consider?

LinkedIn romba Jan 17, 2020

As others have pointed out, screen time may not be a direct cause of myopia. That said, next time you are in a meeting at work, look around and see what proportion of your colleagues are wearing glasses. It is probably around 50% of folks. Now, when you’re on a hike or go to a grocery store, so you really see every 2nd person wearing glasses? software engineers are disproportionately more likely to wear glasses.

Wayfair bfrwz Jan 17, 2020

20/20/20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away, for 20 seconds. Helps avoid problems caused by focusing on a screen all day.

Netflix the.oa Jan 17, 2020

Screen time would be a temporary set back where your eyes will adjust back to previous vision quality when you give your eyes a break for a while. While it’s likely not related to your current issue, I would set reminders to get up and leave your work area every hour and go for a short 5 min walk to let your eyes adjust and focus and give them some exercise. Vision can be improved through diet as well if you have a mild food allergy to some kind of inflammatory food. But that’s not a trivial thing to test to find and avoid food sensitivity. It takes time. Wait for your vision to stabilize eventually and consider Lasic.

Northrop Grumman wiz🧙🏻‍♂️ Jan 17, 2020

Idk how humans could have evolved with likely potential for such terrible eyesight

LinkedIn ex-fb Jan 17, 2020

If screentime doesn’t lead to myopia, why do so many software engineers wear glasses?