Tech IndustryJul 20, 2022

Google PHd support

How much will Google support PhD venture? TC 280k

Ford Motor Company bldval Jul 20, 2022


Genentech tXQq71 Jul 20, 2022

What do you mean? PhD should be funded under your advisors grant

anonspider Jul 20, 2022

following as well. heard that there are some cases you can do part time PhD if your manager and PhD supervisor both support and google tuition allowance is enough to cover the tuition fees but not sure.

Illumina yQxD55 Jul 20, 2022

Part time PhD isn't common at all btw. It's more than a full time job

pvgl04 Jul 22, 2022

I am aware of at least a few people who are PhD students and also hold positions at Google (in all cases I've seen, it's Brain) with title of e.g. "Research Scientist". Not sure whether Google is directly paying their PhD tuition or if their advisor is covering it.