Tech IndustryJul 4, 2021

Google interview after Facebook E5 offer?

I recently got an offer for FB E5. πŸŽ‰ I have Google interview scheduled but its phone round and I don't think Google can complete it within time to decide between Facebook and Google in case i get the offer. I know its due to my scheduling, actually was keeping Google as backup in case Facebook rejects or I feel I am not prepared enough after its onsite. Now, knowing Google offers in case I get it is of no use unless I reject an accepted offer from FB, should I still continue with the interview? I want to keep Google as backup in case Facebook WLB is bad or don't like it. If i get rejected somehow in phone round, I can not interview for a year. Few things to add: 1. Google might lowball to L4, recruiter was a bit reluctant at scheduling and said HC will decide. Nothing about target level. 2. I have not touched leetcode in last 20 days after FB onsite and now after offer, don't want to. Might get rejected by Google closing the door for 1 yr. 2. Don't want to burn bridges with either companies, which can happen if I reject FB after accepting and maybe when I cancel Google in short time 😰 Lets poll, thanks for help. please suggest in comment too! Blind tax: TC: 200k YOE: ~6 Should I still continue with Google phone round?

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