RelationshipsJan 11, 2019


TL;DR: Got dumped, effin’ sucks. Time to uninstall dating apps and embrace LeetCode. At least if your solutions are rejected, you can still lookup the answer online and make it. But if a woman rejects you, you might never know why! I have been in a lot of short term relationships for years. Because of things that have happened in the past, those short term relationships never got converted to long term relationships because I used to run away at the first sight of red flags. Joined dating apps recently to probably increase the pool. Treated Tinder as LeetCode (for practice) and Bumble/CMB as on-site interviews. Met this amazing woman on Bumble. Hit it off instantly. Went on a few dates. Attractive girl, great personality and good sex ensued. Then I had to go on this much deserved long vacation (5 weeks). So that this didn’t fizzle out (because we weren’t exclusive), I kept her engaged as much as possible. And it was still going great! Planned things after I returned back too. Just after the turn of the New Year, I had to go to some remote places with very little internet. Even then I did my best to communicate whenever I did get the opportunity but I saw her replies waning a bit in terms of content. It’s like she was subliminally implementing an exponential backoff as her replies kept coming later and later. I thought maybe since people started work after the new year, it would be hectic. So I wasn’t alarmed. Got a text this morning that we shouldn’t be dating anymore. The reason provided was, “our personalities don’t match”. I still think that she just found someone else but of course, that would never be revealed. No concrete reply when pressed further so that I get closure. It’s like having a great day of onsite interviews but then get a canned “sorry but we need to move on” after 2-3 weeks of suspense. Friggin sucks! I guess I would be wallowing for a while, still not knowing the reason why... Just wanted to vent... TC: 9x of her.