Misc.Nov 15, 2019

Hiding the likes — The Instagram way..

hey insta people.. the rollout of new feature to supress likes and rather show as many others and thousands of others is a commendable move.. In an era where youth in school and even married women are all chasing ‘likes’ as their way to value self worth, this is a bold move to put dent in it.. While they can still see how many is the many others the effort needed to count and compare is way beyond them.. i personally know a few friends who are sad because now the 12.6k followers guy vs a guy with 122 followers are seeing many others on their pics thus bringing them to same level.. You are shattering their nonexistent life which they were portraying on insta as hip life through those 100k strangers to same as many others and thousands of others :) thank you—

Amazon UTukMyJerb Nov 15, 2019

Ironically you are probably looking for likes from your post, and even worse, so am I.

Uber Katarpur👳🏻‍♂️ OP Nov 15, 2019

A 100 likes here on an anonymous site will not make me any famous.. I am just stating an obvious..

Uber 🛸Alien 🛸 Nov 15, 2019


Amazon weeeeeeee Nov 15, 2019

“In an era where youth in school and even married women are all chasing ‘likes’ as their way to value self worth, this is a bold move right here to out dent in it..” This is a culture problem, NOT an Instagram problem. It’s incredible how fast people are to jump to the “just block everyone from the feature since I’m not capable of acting rationally.”

Uber Katarpur👳🏻‍♂️ OP Nov 15, 2019

Drawing parallels from your observation it seems you are an advocate of the fact it’s Mental health Problem and not a Gun Problem so why ban guns :) Sometimes it’s not a gun problem nor mental health but it’s about the bullying and other stuff.. ever talked to a kid who gets mere 10 likes on his post and they then delete insta and Fb as it’s too stressful? You are an amazing Amazonian..

Amazon weeeeeeee Nov 15, 2019

Correct. I also don’t think we should ban cars, heavy machinery, video games, alcohol, weed, or whatever. Part of being an adult is being able to manage yourself in a rational way. Asking the government or companies X, Y, and Z to ban things because you’re incapable of acting rationally will eventually end in a fascist state (historically speaking, that’s how they form: “let’s correct the way our people do X, let’s force our people to do Y, let’s ban Z”). To answer your question, in middle school I was that kid that didn’t get more than 10 likes on a post. But I also didn’t put my self worth in hands of a FB post. Why must we treat everyone like a child?

Colliers International BiPz52 Nov 15, 2019

“youth in school and even married women” is a very problematic statement. So it’s okay for single women to do? Men (married or unmarried? I think you’ve got a warped view

Rally Health undead Nov 15, 2019

“Problematic” found the SJW

Slalom Consulting StankyFeet Nov 15, 2019

Calm down.

Rally Health undead Nov 15, 2019

Instagram will run this a/b test, see that those that get the “no likes” feature use the app a lot less, and revert the experiment and act as if nothing happened. It’s “admirable” but it’s not what the market wants, so unless they want to be beat my another app that does the same thing only with likes...then they’ll go back. I could be wrong though, we’ll see.

Oracle pzd Nov 16, 2019

Why would you double quote admirable?

Rally Health undead Nov 16, 2019

Because going against market forces in a way that is “admirable” and compassionate could also be seen as...foolhardy. I can’t tell if the move is an informed one made by data or if it’s an sjw move. If it’s the former, I’m interested to see how it plays out. If it’s the latter, it’s doomed to fail. I’m leaning towards it being a social justice-y move, hence my skepticism in “admirable” (however misplaced I may be).