Tech IndustryFeb 24, 2021

How are you planning to create a backup of your gmail and app developer and hosting accounts after recent account bans? Is there any app that allows us locally download all our email in a drive ? Any alternatives to hosting apps on playstore if I am developing for Android. #googleAccountBan #twitterBan #linkedinBan #netNeutrality #freedomOfSpeech

Terraria developer cancels Google Stadia port after YouTube account ban
Terraria developer cancels Google Stadia port after YouTube account ban
Ars Technica
Amazon Dalek Feb 24, 2021

I think you can read Gmail in outlook and probably use it to make a copy

Harness dktY21 OP Feb 24, 2021

I think we need better alternatives, something where we are a passive entity and don't need to do much grunt work

Microsoft BigSixHer0 Mar 31, 2021

Hey, microsoft here. If you login to your gmail account from outlook, we will slowly import your whole google mail and calendar into the Microsoft datacenter as its own email address that you can see in OWA. And we don’t do shit like ban email accounts.

Amazon Dalek Feb 24, 2021

This story needs a higher profile. Google customer support is non existent and generally hostile towards customers, is automated (badly) and every interaction is based on the premise that the customer is wrong and that Google is flawless.

Harness dktY21 OP Feb 24, 2021

Although Google is a private company doesn't give them the right to deny it's services, just like you can't deny a person of any race, entry into your restraunt even though you own it. Google doesn't have complete rights over the accounts for the simple reason we live in a society governed by laws and no law gives Google sole authority over anyone's private emails and accounts.

Amazon Dalek Feb 24, 2021

To be fair I saw Amazon do this to a seller once. His kid did something on a tablet that caused an account ban, and since he bought the tablet on Amazon the account on the tablet was automatically linked to his Amazon account which in turn was linked to his entire Amazon selling business as well. This resulted in his entire business being suspended on Amazon, costing him lost sales for several days while it got resolved. Like this Google case it was some automated action that had ridiculously disproportionate effects compared to whatever his kid did. The difference though is you can call Amazon and talk to a human and escalate the issue. Google? Good luck!

Harness dktY21 OP Feb 24, 2021

All of these companies need to be regulated by law and courts they should not act as quasi judicial entities.

Amazon Dalek Feb 24, 2021

Yeah, well I can say that in the Amazon case no one actually intended to take his business down like that, it was just the way the software was written and it was messed up. Once he got to a human and people understood what happened it got fixed. I'm sure not fast enough! I'm pretty sure that if the guy in the OP had managed to get to a manager at Google they would have realized this was unintended, and fixed it too. The problem is that Google has structured their support systems to be entirely automated and the few humans you interact with are very limited in what they can do, by the same underlying software that is screwed up. They can do nothing for you because "the system" has control. My impression is that Google just doesn't care and so long as it works for 99% of people the 1% are an acceptable error rate, "edge cases" to be "optimized" in future. It's a great service when you're in the 99% it works for, but sooner or later we ALL end up being "the edge case" at which point you find Google doesn't give a flying shit about your experience, no matter how unfair it is.

Dell mfence Feb 24, 2021

They offer imap access so they allow imap copy of the entire mailbox ..

Harness dktY21 OP Feb 24, 2021

How to put it in simple terms for a noob. This is too cumbersome for a non tech guy.